Monday, November 28, 2011

An answer and some questions.

Honestly, I got what I'd hoped for: you gave an honest answer.
I can't format what I want to say in your tumblr-ask, so I'm putting it here.

I think I've said this to you before, but Satan does not like that you've become Catholic. He doesn't want you to live the Christ-life.
The more you give up, the easier it will be to keep giving up.
Pray, pray, pray, pray, pray.
And then, when you're done, pray some more.

Don't worry if you fail: there have only been two humans ever who have managed not to; and only one of them was a human person: Mary: the Other was God Himself.
Try and pray the Three Hail Marys everyday.
Then a decade of the Rosary.
Then the 5 decades a day.
Work slowly and remember that Mary is your mum. She loves you more perfectly than your earthly mother ever could. She will help you.

Call on your Holy Patrons. Your Confirmation Saint and any others with whom you have a particularly close relationship.
Try and get a hold of a Saint Benedict's Medal and a Miraculous Medal and pray the prayers that go with them.
Benedict's Prayer is here.
And St Maximillian Kolbe's Prayer to go with the Miraculous Medal is
"O Mary Concieved without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee, and for those who do not have recourse to Thee, especially sinners, heretics and enimies of the Church."
The first part was given to St Catherine Laboure by Our Lady when She asked the Medal to be struck. The second part is an adaptation of the prayer that St Maximillian asked the MIs to pray.

So many of the great Saints suffered scruples.
You're not alone.
The best cure, by far, is obedience.
If you don't already have a regular confessor or Spiritual Director: find one.
Then obey him.

You will have Protestants and all other manner of non-Catholics tell you that Catholicism is anything from heterodox to pagan to utter bullock excretement.
Pray for them.
Know that you possess the Fullness of Faith.
Attend the Sacraments.
Pray the Rosary.
Go to Adroation as often as you can.

If there's anything I can do to help you, don't hesitate to contact me.
Or, if it's something a little more local, call your Parish Priest.

Know that you're in  my prayers.


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