My heart, oh Lord, it aches.
But it is a dull ache.
I feel but do not feel.
I yearn to yearn, but do not.
Christ Jesus, you were forsaken
yet not alone. Desolate
but not abandoned. Struck down
but not destroyed.
Consume me, as I consume You...
As I approach You,very You run to meet me.
Make me into Yourself.
As bread becomes part of me,
it becomes Wholly You. This Bread
Come down from Heaven
Enters me, that I mat enter
Him. You.
Jesus, may I be so enthralled
by the mystery of your Body and Blood
by the Passion of Your Sacred Heart
that I will always be
and feel
in my poor heart
the effects of Your Redemption
the affects of York Redemption.
Our union.
Make me a log in the furnace of Your love.
Consume me.
Make me one with You.
Make me burn with the fire of Your love.
Make me the fire of Your love.
Make me.
Remake me.
Create a new heart for me.
Jesus, make my heart like Yours. Make my heart Yours.
The Mass is ended. It Missal Est.
Let me be so aware of our union, Jesus,
that I am, that I become, that I
You, Your love, Your Heart
to the world.
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