Saturday, December 26, 2009


What is it?
Is love "diligo"? or "caritas"?
Or is it "amour"?

Dear Reader,
What is love to you? What does it entail? Is it strictly passionate? Or does it involve compassion?

Can you love someone you've never met?

Can you love someone you have?

Tell me, Reader, what you think.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Theory of Relativity

Is there such thing as relative morality?

If there is, then truth is also relative.

One reader suggests that "
According to many, morality is dictated by social expectation..." I say that according to a very similar group of people, truth is also dictated in this matter.

If this is how truth is dictated and society says that a glass of poison will not kill me, it wont.
This raises a side question. "
What is society?"
Is society the small group of people I am currently around? Is it the people in the town I am from? The state or province I reside in?
Perhaps "social expectation" is dictated by the local laws.
For argument's sake, let us assume that local laws govern what society, in whatever form it takes, expects. Let us also assume that I reside in a place where it is illegal for me to die after drinking a glass of poison.

Will I die if I drink it?

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Heroes Are Over With

Look at these people; amazing how sheep'll show up for the slaughter.

So you want to know why I think heroes are over with?

Society is slipping. It's horrible.
There is no longer a standard morality. In fact, "morality" seems to have taken on a negative meaning. One upon a time, being moral was socially acceptable; it was, socially, expected.
Now? I fear morality is not a choice. I hear people speaking of adultery as if it is a perfectly natural thing. I know twelve-year-olds who drink to excess at least once a month.

I know of several people who have little or no regard for the well-being of other people - that scares me. I don't understand how anyone could have such a complete disregard for everyone around them. This attitude has, worryingly, extended beyond nonchalance in order to fit the status quo. People seem to actively choose to put themselves before others, even when putting the other first does no immediate, intermediate or long-term damage to them.

Why Life?

Why Life?

This isn't "Why, Life?" or "Why? Life?"
It is a question I pose to you, my reader, on why life exists.
Does it serve a purpose? If so, what purpose? Whose purpose?

Is only human Life important? Or is animal and plant Life also important?
Perhaps only animal or only plant Life is important.
If only one of these Lives, what purpose do the other serve?

Can you give an answer?