Friday, July 1, 2011

Saving Babies?

Previously, I said that the reason I was coming to New York was to save babies.
I am not here to save babies; I am not even here to learn how to say babies; I am here to learn how to and to actually save souls, starting with my own.

This retreat, so far, has been both an excellent, intense, eye-opening experience and a rich, positive time for spiritual growth.

The outline of each day is:
0630 - Rise Up
0730 - Holy Mass
0830 - Breakfast
0915-1115 - Presentation
1145-1230 - Presentation
1245 - Lunch
1415-1515 - Presentation
1530 - Way of the Cross
1615-1745 - Guest Speaker
1815 - Dinner
1945 - Movie (on topic)
2115-2215 - Holy Hour (including silent Adoration, Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet and Benediction)
2300 - Retirement

This pattern is repeated Tuesday-Thursday, while Friday’s timetable looks like this:
0630 - Rise Up
0730 - Holy Mass
0830 - Breakfast
0930 - Leave for Abortion Site
1000-1145 - Prayerful Presence outside the abortion mill
1230 - Lunch
1400-1500 - Presentation
1515-1600 - Presentation
1615-1745 - Guest Speaker
1815 - Dinner

As you can see, this is fairly intense and (what you can’t see is that) it is actually more intense because the presentations are particularly dense.

Yesterday, we learnt about the history of eugenics up until today (well, last Friday, when NY passed it’s “gay marriage” legislation, at any rate) and today we further discussed population control and the further implications of the eugenic and contraceptic mentality.

You might ask how there are related and, further how either - let alone both - is related to abortion.

In a future post (or ten) I will outline the history of eugenics, since that shows the link to population control and to contraception; I will then show the link to between this destructive mentality and abortion.
Firstly, however, I want to discuss the human person.
This will be an introduction to the 13 week Anthropology unit that I took last semester (run by Fr Sean Fernandez) which was itself only an introduction to the topic of the human person. In this post, I will discuss the origins and ends of the human person, what makes humans unique, and how this should cause us to act.


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