Monday, April 11, 2011

God Doesn't Exist

God doesn’t exist. No-one's God does. You have absolutely no evidence for it.
And even if He did, it’s not like He’s loving: just look at all the cruel things that have happened in your life; surely that’s proof against an all-loving God.

What? You think that just because you exist, He must have had some play in that? You think that just because you can come up with reasons for the cruelty He’s supposed to have inflicted on you, that proves He really does love you? You think that just because heaps of other people say they have God means that He really exists?
Oh, you’ve seen God and He told you that He was God.
Well; that changes everything.

But, hang on, what if you’re lying to me?
Sure, so you’re an honest person; but what if you were deluded into seeing God because you so desperately wanted to, because you’d heard other people talk about Him and you really wanted to experience it your self?
Are you sure you weren’t experiencing something other than what you thought it was and that you didn’t project your longings onto what you actually experienced?

You parents don’t exist. No-one’s parents do. You have absolutely no evidence for it.
And even if they did, it’s not like they’re loving: just look at all the cruel things that have happened in your life; surely that’s proof against all-loving parents.

What? You think that just because you exist, they must have had some play in that? You think that just because you can come up with reasons for the cruelty they’re supposed to have inflicted on you, that proves they really does love you? You think that just because heaps of other people say they have parents means that they really exists?
Oh, you’ve seen your parents and they told you that they were your parents.
Well; that changes everything.

But, hang on, what if you’re lying to me?
Sure, so you’re an honest person; but what if you were deluded into seeing parents because you so desperately wanted to, because you’d heard other people talk about them and you really wanted to experience it your self?
Oh. It was a tangible experience.
Are you sure you weren’t experiencing something other than what you thought it was and that you didn’t project your longings onto what you actually experienced?


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