I'm going to try to be less slack.
This list will be updated on Moday or Tuesday
- Staff and Students at Notre Dame, particularly for fidelity to the Magesteium
- Rod & Eileen
- My upcoming trip to NY
- A freind's friend who lost her baby
- For Pregnancy Assistance, the Respect Life Office and all other pro-life goups
- For the workers of PepsiCo and those of Senomyx, as well as all other commercial companies that continue to disrespect Human Life, believing that it's possible to destory life in order to build it up
- For Cazza, who is flat-out in Melbourne
- Lauren, who just moved house
- The year 12s and Uni kidz doing/about to start exams
- Pastor Duong Kim Khai, Tran Thi Thuy and Nguyen Thanh Tamand the 4 other Vietnamese Christians who are to go on trial in their country for "trying to overthow the Government" (ie, asking for fair payment for the land that they used to own that was forcibly sold by said governemnt.) If convicted, they face either life imprisonment or the death penalty
- Frs Doug, Roman, John Sebastian, Micheal, Don, Jean-Noel.
- Archbishop Hickey, Bishop Sproxton
- The new bishop-elects, particularly those in Australia.
- Bishop Finn and Fr. Ratigan of the Diocese of Kansas City
- The intentions of the Emmanuel Girls' household
- Paul, particularly for the ability to clearly discerne what he's being called to do and the courage to follow that through
- For Helen and all her intentions
- The Sweeny family and all their needs and intentions
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