There once was a young boy named Bill who lived somwhere in the US at the time of the New Missal, a copy of which he recieved for his tenth birthday in 1963. He wrote his name and address on the cover page of his new Missal.
Young Bill would serve regularly at his parish, learning Latin in order to respond to the priest who celebrated Mass.
Bill went to a Jesuit Uni, taking core units in philosophy and relgious studies.
Bill now lives in LA with his wife and pet parrot, working as an engineer, desiging internet type equipment.
Bill enjoys reading, opera and the occasional round of golf.
Bill's Missal is now in Australia, being used by a nineteen year old theology student who occasionally goes to TLM on Sundays.
how did u find this out??
I don't know.
Do you know any nineteen year old theology students?
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