Celebrating small victories is the order of today.
I have, thus far, managed to keep my cool and - even though I think I could cry - I don't want to run away and hide. The face that I don't want to curl into a tiny ball and shut myself off completely from the world is a vast improvement.
Let me explain.
I was supposed to meet Hayley today. She asked that we and they boys catch up. I, therefore, suggested that we catch up in King's Park near the War Memorial (For my American and European readers: this detail is significant. King's Park is the world's largest inner-city park and is several times the size of New York's Central Park.) Hayley, not knowing how to get there, agreed to meet me in the city.
However, being the klutz that I am, I left my 'pne on the bus. I decided to leave-off my 'phone searching just before 3pm, when I was due to meet Hayley. I had hoped that she would come to where I usually meet her; apparently, not so. So I employed the Modern Miracle of Public Libraries and the Post-Modern Miracle of the internet, hoping to contact her via the Book of Faces. Alas, she had not replied before I had to leave if I was to make my own 4pm deadline for meeting at King's Park. I gave Hayley instructions for Public Transport from the city and hooped for the best.
It's now almost 4:30pm (as I write this in my notebook.) I'm still out in public and still waiting to see if anyone comes. I want you to know that, despite how this post may come across, I'm not complaining. This is a celebratory post. It is not that long ago that I would have wanted to run away and hide had something this unexpected happened. I would almost certainly have cried. Heck! That would have been my reaction if I'd simply lost my 'phone. Today, however, I have won a small victory.
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