This series is not my own work, but all taken from Rev Robert
Nash, S.J.'s reflections on the Stations of the Cross: They Crucified Him. I will post one Station a day in these final days before (and concluding on) Good Friday. Here is the Sixth Station.
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No one tries to deny that in the Sacred Passion we are faced with lessons which our human nature, loving ease as it does, finds exceedingly hard to learn and put in practice. For this reason, there is a grain of comfort in seeing our divine Master and Model avail of the relief, passing though it was, brought to Him by the action of Veronica.
woman’s heart in her overflowed with sympathy for the poor Sufferer, so she
pushed her way through the crowd and offered to wipe with a towel that
disfigured and bleeding face of His. Far from repelling her on the plea that He
preferred to suffer, Jesus, in this case, accepts what she is eager to give,
and, as a sign of gratitude, leaves behind on her towel the image of His own
countenance. The scene forms the subject-matter of the sixth station.
other parts of Our Lord’s life come other examples when again He chose or
accepted what was naturally pleasant. Thus, He went to the marriage feast with
Mary His Mother, and we may reasonably assume that He partook of the simple
pleasures provided. He was weary one summer evening and He sat down by the well
on the roadside to rest. Quite exhausted, one day He stepped into a boat with
His disciples, provided Himself with a pillow, placed it under His head, and
soon was fast asleep.
are times on life’s journey when a faithful soul will please Him best by
accepting relief, or a pleasure or a relaxation, in this same spirit of
gratitude. “When the fire is lit,” writes the gentle Saint Francis de Sales, “we
see that obedience would have us warm ourselves, provided it be not done with
too much eagerness.” The proviso is important. In a painful illness, it may be (no,
it IS) more pleasing to Him to take with gratitude the remedy or relief offered
rather than bear the pain with a bad grace. It is quite possible that when
depression weighs down upon one, the right course is to shake it off by
curtailing one’s penitential acts and one’s prayer and allowing oneself more
time for lawful recreation. Someone calls whom you are delighted to see, but
just at a moment when you had arranged to go out and make a holy hour.
Naturally, you would prefer to speak to your friend. It is likely enough that
you will please God best in the circumstances by deferring your prayer and
entertaining your friend. For it is not so much the accepting or rejecting of
pleasant things that makes or mars the holiness of a soul, as the intention
which directs the choice. Our Lord “did not please Himself,” If He accepted
what was easier and more pleasant He did so because He saw that this was the
Father’s Will. It would be unthinkable, for instance, that as He staggers along
on this terrible journey, He should meet the offer of Veronica with harshness
and remind her that He had come to suffer and not to seek relief. That would
have cut into her heart. It would have wounded charity, and Jesus was incapable
of inflicting such a wound.
will always find that whenever He takes the easier course He is actuated by a
high motive. It is not merely because that course is easy, not merely because
He is led by natural impulse. Charity is at stake, or He sees a chance of
instructing others, or He wills to draw souls to Him by accommodating Himself
to their ways. There is nothing wrong in eating with publicans and sinners, or
taking rest when one is tired. It is not forbidden to enjoy oneself and there
is no sin in seeking relief when you are lying awake all night and convulsed
with pain. You are not bound to fast if the Church grants a dispensation. But
the all-important point for the soul that would follow Him loyally is the
motive. There was no difficulty about this in His case, for He always did the
things that were pleasing to His Father. With us, the case is quite different.
Always ready to take the line of least resistance, we can arrange everything to
suit ourselves and then proceed to persuade ourselves that we want nothing
except God’s Will — having first taken good care to have our own!
where there is question for us of accepting what pleases us naturally, there is
need of great sincerity in probing and purifying our motive. Still, Our Lord’s
action in this sixth station makes it quite clear that many a faithful soul
will remain most faithful, not by always thwarting itself, but at times by
accepting — with the gratitude we see Him show here — the pleasant things of
life, “giving thanks to God in all things.”
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