Saturday, June 11, 2011

Beauty and Deificaiton

I leave with something somewhat unrelated from Saint John of the Cross. Take some time to read it carefully. Reread it.

Let us so act taht by means of this loving activity we may attain the vision of ourselves in Your beauty in eternal life. That is: That I be so transformed in Your beauty that we may be alike in beauty, and both behold ourselves in You beauty, possessing Your very beauty; this, in such a way that each looking at the other may see his own beauty, since both are Your beauty alone, I being so absorbed in Your beauty; hence, I shall see You in Your beauty, and I shall see myself in You in Your beauty, and You will see Yourself in me in Your beauty; that I may resemble You in Your beauty and my beauty be Your beauty, and Your beauty my beauty; wherefore I shall be You in Your beauty, and You will be me in Your beauty, because Your very beauty will be my beauty; and therefore we shall behold each other in Your beauty.

Seriously, take a few hours to mull it over if you can.
Then go and adore Our Lord in the Most Holy Sacarment of the Altar.
Then pray this passage.
All the time.
Even if it's just the first line: Let us so act that by means of this loving activity we may attain the vision of ourselves in Your beauty in eternal life.


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