Thursday, June 16, 2011

Consummatum est.

My exams are finished for this semester; I leave for New York in a week; I have a better grasp on certain phrases in Latin than I did last week; I have plans for every day in the next week, before I leave; I overuse semicolons.

4 exams in as many days is drainng, at best; thanks to Messers Kreeft, Lewis and Sts Aquinas and Augustine for their assistance over the past few days; also to Sts Basil, John Chrysostom, Bellamine, Teresa of Avila, Teresa of Liseux, John of the Cross, Paul, John Bosco, Gregory Nazianzen, Athanasius, Peter Canisius, Albert the Great, Alphonsus Liguori, Anslem, Anthony of Padua, Bede, Bernard of Clairvaux, Bonaventure, Catherine of Siena, Francis de Sales, Gregory I, both Cyrils who are doctors and all the other Doctors.
I now have the itineries for my trip to New York; the flights were confirmed about a week ago and the daily plan was recieved this morning.
I know know and understand some more Latin phrases; these ones have to do with grace.
I have full days every day between now and when I fly out, except Sunday; Sunday is for prayer; lots and lots of prayer.


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